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The Mike Cutmore Website!


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Photography has always been one of my interests ever since I remember taking my very first picture (I'm not saying when that was). Over the years I have involved myself in Still, Cine and Video photography, to the extent of editing and producing my own home movies, a fascinating pursuit that has it's own treasured rewards of being able to kind of look back in time to how things once were.

Facts on photography - still & video, digital camera selection

Just about everyone has a camera, and just to own one is a pleasure in itself, but where some hobbies end, it's what you can do with a camera that really matters.

It sometimes amazes me what pride people put into their actual Cameras, but it is really the end result - the pictures and the videos they are all that really matter!

View macutmore's flickr albums

I have a large archive of home movies which I have enjoyed making since the days of Super 8mm film. Hours of time have been spent photographing family holidays and events which has built up a treasured collection of material, and that which is interesting to others I intend to share.

Also using 'password protected' photo albums I am able to share select personal galleries.

Choose an online photo site for your specific needs


Nowadays we take photography for granted. We are surrounded by it- in books, magazines, and albums, or as slides, or films in the cinema and on television. But less than one hundred and fifty years ago if you wanted a picture, you had to draw it, paint it, or engrave it. Most people seldom saw what anything or anybody looked like apart from the things and people they saw with their own eyes within a mile or two of their homes.
Your camera, today, can simply be the little black box you use for taking family snapshots. Or it can be so much more- the key to a fascinating hobby, or even the start of an exciting career as a press photographer or a movie cameraman!

I have now established a good shortlist of what I believe to be some of the best sites for photos...



This is a superb concept and is probably the ultimate photo site today



Excellent for organising all the pictures on your computer



This site has won many awards and is probably the best UK site for photos and features


Interesting layout, but members only guestbook is the drawback



Looks like the most personal and permanent FREE option, but the interface for guests is password only



Great for everything including videos, but before 'I signed up' it said 'free video hosting', then after I'd signed up it said 'optional paid membership to get your video hosting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'



Limited but very handy, store videos too!


WWW photography (lycos search)

Current: The Mike Cutmore Website!

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